

Josh Farrell 0 comments

Have you ever found yourself searching for something to fill your free time, but feeling unsure of where to start? Are you looking for an activity that you can truly immerse yourself in, and make you feel like you truly belong? Forming a hobby is an incredibly worthwhile journey that can bring immense joy and a sense of accomplishment into our lives. __A hobby doesn’t have to necessary be in the form of an activity, it can also be in the form of a routine. For the past week, I’ve put time aside each day in the hopes of forming a morning routine, compatible to my current lifestyle. A routine like an activity both seek the same necessity to keep them a hobby: repetition. Taking the time to develop a hobby can help you explore and understand yourself on a deeper level and give you a creative outlet to express yourself. I say this from personal experience but, a method of outward expression is vital and should not be overlooked. In the following blog post, I’ll give you an example of an outward expression method that I use, why I use it and the outcome(s).

But how can we actually go about forming a hobby? 1.Trying to look at the things you already enjoy doing, 2. finding out if there’s anything that sparks your interest then 3.linking it to a relating routine or activity and 4. putting aside the time to cultivate how I find mine. If I have life goals or values, then I make sure that the hobby doesn’t hinder or contradict them. You can also look into activities that you’ve never done before, or explore traditional hobbies like crafting, music, dancing, or agriculture/gardening. No matter what you choose, make sure it’s something that you’re genuinely passionate about, able to advance in and can have fun with.

For instance, my sister recently decided to take up knitting. She had seen her grandmother knit many times before and wanted to give it a try myself. It was a way for her to connect with my grandmother and honour her memory. It took her a while to figure out how to cast on and knit, but she eventually got the hang of it and was able to create scarves, blankets, and headbands. It was a really rewarding experience, and she enjoyed the feeling of accomplishment every time she finished a project.

Another example is that of a friend of mine who decided to take up photography. she had always been passionate about capturing beauty in everyday life, and photography was the perfect way for her to do just that. She started off by taking pictures with his phone camera, but soon upgraded to a more professional camera. She enjoyed exploring different areas and found that it opened up a whole new perspective on her life. She now uses Instagram to share her amazing photos.

No matter what hobby you choose, remember that it’s important to take it one step at a time. Start small, and slowly build up your skills and knowledge. We as humans have the tendency to go from 0 – 60 mph as fast as possible, but we must remember that with cultivating a hobby, there should be no rush. Trust the process. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, and don’t expect to be an expert right away. Take the time to enjoy the process of learning, and it will eventually become second nature.

Forming a hobby is a unique experience that can have an incredible impact on your life. It’s a journey that is different for everyone, but it’s also an incredibly rewarding one that can bring joy, understanding, and a sense of belonging into our lives. So let’s explore further and see how we can develop our ideal hobby.


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