Under what conditions can I get a refund
- If your product is damaged or a defect.
- If you ordered the item within the past 12 hours.
- Wrong item or incorrect description.
Refund queries must be sent within 30 of Product's Delivery.
Do you Accept Returns?
Yes, Returns are accepted. However, return fees (shipping etc.) fees aren't covered however. Use the address the item was shipped from as the return address also.
Where can I find my Order Status
Status of Order can be found only through the tracking number and page associated with it in a sent email to the buyer. This would be sent through email & approx. 3 days after your initial ordering.
You can also use our Order Track, once your tracking number is emailed to you.
Shipping & Returns
Do you ship internationally?
This is an example of a response that you might give. It's good to be as thorough as possible in responses as that has a tendency to improve trust overall.
When will my order be shipped?
Your Order will be shipped out within 1 -3 days of ordering
How long will it take until I receive my order?
Waiting time is anywhere between 10 - 14 days. (Production Time taken into account also)