
Modern-day Fashion

Josh Farrell 0 comentarios

Hi everyone!

Today we live in a time of rapid change. This seems to have been introduced through the internet. In 2023, everyone is living with the consequences of the second printing press: the age of information. Everyone can access news, trends and information far faster and in far greater volume in one day than even the kings and queens of the age of exploration could have ever imagined. This has destabilized our society, and you probably have noticed through our politics, film and social media. Life feels faster than ever. Technology is speeding up our experience, and it makes it seem more chaotic even though none of the news we are receiving might at most only moderately affect us.

It makes me wonder if this is affecting fashion trends at all, or if in the future will fashion trends work the same way: A group of people start a new trend, fashion companies take the initiative and make this mainstream, then very quickly the trend gets old, and the pendulum swings and skinny jeans are gone, and baggy trousers are everywhere!

Tight and firm clothing is largely a past trend from the early 10s. Now flowy, baggy and effortlessness is the aim. This seems to have been encouraged because of the pandemic, everyone was wearing more comfortable items.

Yet at the same time we’ve had a few seasonal trends including the old money aesthetic last summer. Popularised for both men and women with the goal of emulating classy, established and subtle colours and pieces have become very trendy. Interestingly I haven’t seen many people adopting the old money trend in Ireland, it seems to be a North American and South European trend. Beige, brown and white trousers and white buttoned shirts as well as big hats and sunglasses all added to the relaxed, luxury and minimalist approach of the old money trend.

Something interesting to notice is the popularization of a bigger variety of other country’s clothing trends including that of Japan, Korea, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa. France, the UK, Italy, Spain and the US are not just the only major influencers. This trend has been popularized largely by Instagram and YouTube influencers and creators popularizing brands such as Uniqlo in Western Markets.

However, it seems to still be that bell-bottoms, cargo trousers, sweatpants, minimalism and gym wear are the most popular choices on the street here in Ireland.

I hope this was a fun blog to read, and that this has been your experience too. I’m purely giving you information based off my observations, which I think are the best way to analyse the current trends we are seeing. See you next week!


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