
UNITY - It Matters

Josh Farrell 0 Kommentare

Dogs are called “man’s best friend”. But why?

Perhaps it iss to do with the attachment, reliability, affection and confidence one has in the other. Belonging is one of the most important feelings anyone feels in a lifetime. This undisputed fact reverberates throughout society. From individuals to communities, it is felt all around. It is therefore a crucial pillar to anyone and any nation. This correlates just as much to those in the Foster Care and Adoption sector.

Before I continue on the topic of Unity, I'd like to take the opportunity to briefly outline RESQUED’s mission as a sustainable clothing company. Our no.1 Mission is “To promote the presence of Foster Care & Adoption and the positive impact both have in Ireland, through themed sustainable clothing due to the underlying problems within both”

Taking into consideration the bigger picture, Alternative Care is the umbrella word that defines any care type or situation, outside the child’s or young adults biological or adoptive family [1 - citizens]. Foster Care is a type of alternative care. Adoption however isn’t, as legally, the adopted child permanently belongs to the adoptive family, as if the child were biologically & originally their own. Foster care is “caring for someone else’s child in your own home, providing family life for a child or young person, who for one reason or another cannot live with his or her own parents. Foster care is only considered for children in situations where they are assessed to be at risk.” [2]. 

When you boil it down, the main significant difference between both is that one is temporary commitment (Foster Care), while the other is permanent commitment (Adoption). [3]


Regarding Foster Care , 

Returning to our conversation about Unity;

Using a clothing company, like RESQUED to promote Foster Care and Adoption, in a sense is quite authentic and innovative. Clothing can be a great catalyst for change. Look at protests and rallies, many individuals choose to wear clothing that voices their side of the situation at hand. Or even weddings, where the bride of the groom commonly wears white - symbolising purity, new beginnings and faith. Therefore, wearing clothing that has been inspired by the universal values found in Foster Care and Adoption will bring attention to more, the real importance and beautiful significance such services can have in any child’s life - a child who may unfortunately struggle to reap the fundamental benefits from their biological family, like unity.

To be deprived of unity affects one’s sense of love and security. It may also distort one’s sense of cognitive behavioural thinking (CBT). This is why Foster Care and Adoption must exist - providing the child’s missing longing of unity. Childhood is a fundamental pillar to anybody’s life. What we go through, what we experience can greatly affect our future. No child should go through their childhood alone. No child should feel this. The main goals of Foster Care and Adoption is to provide a safe, nurturing and supportive environment where a child can grasp life with the utmost senses of joy, hope and belonging.

Reference Links

[1]  Alternative care (

[2] Can I foster?Tusla - Child and Family Agency

[3] The Differences Between Foster Care and Adoption (